Transforming stress 

into serenity 

for Horses and Humans

You deserve a stress free life!

We work with horses and humans individually or as a pair with the goal of helping every life find their own dream life, free of stress. 

Simple and effective modalities are leveraged to release physical and emotional stress in order to allow the body to function and perform optimally.

Healing and Coaching Programs

My Healing Shop offers a variety of healing and coaching programs: pre-packaged or customized.

All services are effective as well as gentle and safe. 

Instant emotional and physical changes are often experienced.

Transform your well-being today! 

For You

Stress Management

EFT Tapping


Trauma release

For Your Horse

Bodywork & Training




For Both

Improve partnership

Relationship building


Classical dressage

Meet Petra

Petra's passion is to help horses and humans  feel their best every day. Her own curiosity and research facilitated healing paths for herself and her horses. She discovered that healing happens when we work with the body's energies and not focus so much on external factors.

Petra leverages effective hands on practices through simple and effective methods such as EFT Tapping and Masterson Method. Our bodies want to heal if given the chance. It takes time, effort, patience and curiosity but everyone can heal and you deserve it. I promise you: It is worth it and you will never want to go back.