
A personal odyssey towards healing

Petra's transformation into a healer was a serendipitous evolution. Beginning with the healing of her own horse, she embarked on a profound journey of self-discovery. A mysterious muscle ailment in her equine companion prompted her to explore the Masterson Method, a path that led to her horse's recovery within a year. This pivotal moment revealed Petra's mission—to facilitate healing among horses. 

A subsequent health crisis in 2015 compelled her to navigate uncharted waters. In her relentless pursuit of healing, Petra experimented with numerous natural remedies, yet the breakthrough arrived with consistent meditation and the practice of the Emotional Freedom Technique. These practices catalyzed her body's ability to restore itself to a state of equilibrium. 

Petra's aspiration is to empower individuals with the tools to embrace natural healing methods. The innate wisdom of our bodies yearns for wholeness and healing, awaiting the opportunity to thrive.

Petra's credentials working with horses:

Masterson Method Certified Practitioner - August 2015

Irwin Insight certified practitioner level 1 - 2018

Facilitator of Masterson Method Bodywork clinics: foundation and advanced

Experience with starting numerous young horses under saddle

Experience with rehabilitating numerous horses

Experience with untamed Mustangs

Experience with riding Grand Prix dressage horses

Petra's credentials working with humans:

Certified EFT practitioner through EFT Universe - December 2022

Facilitator of individual and group EFT coaching sessions